How to Court God’s Way
For a year and a half, my boyfriend and I have courted.
I initially entered my current relationship without first seeking God about what courtship should look like.
Yes, I asked Him questions.
But, I didn’t take the opportunity to search His Word for myself.
I had spent hours researching blogs and google, but no hours researching the Word.
The consequence was that I found myself attempting to obey the courtship standards of other people because it’s what they believed, and not because it’s what I believed.
Look, you can read my blog and google the internet a thousand times about “how to court” or “how to have a Godly boyfriend,” but nothing beats seeking the Source Himself.
Yes, you should listen to Godly advice about dating.
But, you should never let Godly advice become a substitute for God Himself.
Any advice or blog you read should only be an addition to the personal seeking you’ve done with God Himself.
If you only decide that you don’t want to have sex, kiss, or hug until marriage because you’ve read my blog, that’s not a firm foundation to a Christian relationship.
The goal of my blog is to point you toward God, not for it to become your god.
So, yes, make the right decisions, but afterwards, make sure you’ve read the scriptures, prayed, and spent ample time with God for yourself.
So, how do you court God’s way? Simple. You make Him your foundation.
You find yourself studying the Word about fighting the flesh, courting, and dating. You make sermons, blogs, and anything else secondary to the studying you’ve done with God on your own. And, you don’t enter a relationship until you are absolutely sure that His Word is what you’re standing on.
Without Him as your foundation, nothing will last.
With that being said, I’d like to offer some practical tips and scriptures about how to have a Godly courtship and maintain a Godly relationship.
Click here to read the tips in part 2 of this blog: “4 Ways to Keep it in Your Pants”
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Other blogs on this topic:
1) Stop Pushing God on Your Boyfriend
2) 6 Reasons to Let Him Go After the First Date
3) Why Won’t God Send You a Husband?