“Does God Still Care About Me?!”
Hey sisters!
As you look back on 2015, you may be completely annoyed about how this past year went.
Maybe you’re mad at God because He still hasn’t revealed your husband and you thought 2015 would be your year of marriage (I was in a situation similar to this in 2013. Read about it in my blog: “Did God Really Tell You He Was “The One?” ).
Maybe you’ve been working a job you hate, only to barely make ends meet ( This was my story last year. Read about it in my blog: “4 Ways to Overcome Depression Through God“).
Maybe you’ve been waiting on God to heal your body from a disease, like cancer.
Regardless of your situation, God is using me right now to tell you that He cares.
He loves you.
He sees every tear and He hasn’t forsaken you.
But, sis, my question is, are you doing your best to do your part?
Have you abandoned your morning time with Him and forgotten to talk to Him throughout the day?
Have you let your situation or circumstance become your God and determine your emotions?
You’ve got to pull through with endurance!
God only moves on faith, not discouragement.
So, your blessing is determined by your faith, your outlook, and your trust for Him.
We can’t blame God for our discouragement, suicidal thoughts, and depression because God has equipped us with everything we need to get through our circumstances through Jesus Christ and His Word.
It’s just up to us to do one simple thing: believe.
In 2013, I didn’t believe that God would release me from unemployment. And, I refused to follow His instructions to let go of chasing a guy who wanted nothing to do with me!
After I let my pride go and simply believed in God’s promises, He led me to my future husband and three job offers.
Now, in 2016, I’m employed, an author, a speaker, and set to be married soon…all because of my faith and His grace!
Now, imagine what faith can do for you in 2016!
A lot of times we say we are waiting on God, but it’s actually God who is waiting on us.
He’s waiting on you to have faith.
He’s waiting on you to believe.
He’s waiting on you to stop being lazy about your quiet time with Him, get your but out of bed one hour before work, and pray and get into your scriptures!
So, my prayer for you for 2016 is simple.
My prayer is not that your business will blow up.
My prayer is not that God will tell you who your husband is.
My prayer is not that the Lord will bless you with that new house.
Instead, my prayer is that you’ll learn to believe.
Consistently believe.
Consistently be in His Word and in prayer, so that you’re ready when the enemy comes at you with these attacks!
Why is belief my prayer for you instead of your new house, job, or Johnny boo?
Because, from experience, I know that when you believe, everything else falls together anyway.
When you have faith, God takes care of the rest.
When you change your outlook, He can move on your behalf.
He’ll bless you with the desires of His heart, according to His will, not your own, when you just show Him how faithful you can be in the little areas of your life.
God is waiting for you.
Just like Job, on the other side of your mess, there’s a huge blessing. Double for your trouble!
The question is not, “Does God still care about me?”
The question is, “Do you still care about yourself?”
Do you care enough about your life, future in Christ, and reaching heaven to stop letting these attacks get the best of you?
He loves and cares for you.
And 2016 will only be different if your mindset is renewed.
You’re not waiting on God…He’s waiting on you…
Are you ready?
Let’s go! …In Him, we got this!
Leave a comment or send me an email sharing your story and tell me why you’d like to read and win my book in 2016!… and keep the emails coming because I’m enjoying hearing your stories!
..Winner announced January 3!…Winner must click below to get my free book sample 🙂
If you need additional encouragement for the new year, I encourage you to click here to read my free book sample before 2016 to get your mind on track with God this new year!
My book shares my testimony of being suicidal, addicted, depressed, overcoming rape, and constantly trying to use a career and men to complete me. Order your own copy by clicking here.
Two ways to win my book for FREE as a holiday gift:
It’s as simple as:
1)Leaving an Amazon review of my book sample
2) Share your story and send 100-250 words about why you’re excited to read my book!
Send the link of your review or writing submission to IBelieveinGodNowWhat@gmail.com and you’re entered to win!
Click here to read my free book sample
Winner for writing contest announced on this Sunday! ..
Calendar Update: On January 22, I’ll be sharing my testimony and speaking to a youth group in Florence, SC about conquering their identity in Christ. Info and Venue:
Faith Kingdom Builders OM
2908 Republic Ave