One Thing Every Single Woman Must do to Hear God About Her Husband (Part 2)

My fiancee Eddie and I taking engagement photos this past month. Click here to share this photo and blog!
When my boyfriend and I broke up (he’s currently now my fiancee and we are getting married in July), God revealed to me that I wasn’t in a position to hear Him about my husband because I didn’t know enough about myself.
I remember crying for months about that breakup. I would try to do sneaky things to try to run into him like conveniently do my running course near his house or try to stick around when he needed help with his business.
The truth is that I was only hurting myself by doing those things because I was hindering myself from the growth process. The more I tried to hold on to bits and pieces of the relationship, the harder it was to pull away and truly figure out who Jordone is.
Yes, I would pull away to be with God. But, a lot of the times as I pulled away, I was still focused on Eddie (my fiancee). Instead of praying to draw closer to God, I was praying about my emotions because I just wouldn’t let go.
I would beg God, “Lord, are we supposed to be together?” “Lord, is he the one?”
Then, one day, I finally realized that I had to move forward, let go, and trust God, regardless of the outcome.
When I finally let go, I began to enjoy that season of my life. I had been dating and having serious crushes since I was 15!
So, that breakup season was the first time in my life that I was finally alone with God without a man by my side or in my mind.
I became so content in the Lord and being single.
As I spent more time with Lord, I began to know more about who I was, what He’s called me to do, and what my purpose is for His Kingdom.
You see, it’s difficult to know who you are when you’re always with someone else. Likewise, it’s difficult to know who you are when you’re always thinking about someone else.
God needs an alone season with you prior to marriage . No dates. No crushes. No man in the back of your mind.
Just Him and you alone. As you grow in that personal alone time, you’ll grow to know more about Him. As you grow closer to Him, you’ll know more about who you are.
The one thing every single woman must know before she tries to hear God about her husband is her identity.
Who are you?
What has God called you to do?
How does God desire to use you for His kingdom?
Your job is what you do. Your identity is who you are. Know the difference.
Lastly, remember that one of the purposes of marriage is to help one another. How can a man help you if you don’t know who you are?
Be alone with God and find out who you are first. Don’t do it for a man, a husband, or for pride. Just do it for Him.
Then, watch how God moves in your life.
You’ll be so focused on the mission He’s assigned for you that a man will be the furthest thing from your mind.
Why do you think so many women struggle with wanting a husband before they know themselves? Comment below or share your thoughts with me via social media.
Did this blog inspire you? Then please share it with one woman who needs this inspiration, too. Click here to read part 1 of this blog.
A few quick things:
The Destiny Conference– I’m hosting a Christian Career conference on June 17th. Sunday, April 30th is the last day to receive a discount on early registration! Join us to be inspired, network, and have some fun! Watch the promo video here:
- The 700 club – I was recently on the 700 club for sharing my testimony! Praise God! Click here to watch
- My book sample– You can now read my book sample for free without signing up for my email list. Click here to read.
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